
Solving problems

The challenge of leadership is to change. A manager or administrator can maintain the status quo, but it takes a leader to create change. Traditionally, the leaders addressed issues of change management. Using problem solving skills and critical thinking. Usually has a top-down approach has been to create change and this could also explain why change initiatives as a bad reputation.

Think about it. Do not get excited about a problem. No, youDefensive and protective systems at the same time they need to be creative and expansive. survival now depends on the creativity, ingenuity and the involvement and participation of workers, none of which is simply a "top-down, problem-solving approach to change.

Appreciative Inquiry offers an alternative approach to change, vision is guided, focused on promoting opportunities, generative thinking and self-explanatory and target groups.

Sue Annis Hammond, the author of "The Thin BookAppreciative Inquiry "states:" Appreciative Inquiry is an exciting philosophy for change. The main assumption of Appreciative Inquiry, that in every organization something works is to change, and can identify what works and analysis of how to get more of what does not work are managed. "

Business guru Peter Drucker goes a step further when he said: "The heart of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths in order to make our weaknesses irrelevant." Here isAppreciative Inquiry really shines.

Compare: Problem Solving - Appreciative Inquiry
Negative by nature - positive riots
Usually down - very participatory
High strength - Converts internal dialogue
Defense, duress - stimulates creativity
Dictated - Learning by doing

began to change with Appreciative Inquiry have a greater chance of success because:

In any organization, something works

Find what works and creates apositive attitude essential for success in any undertaking

The act of questioning begins to change

What we focus on as individuals and organizations is our reality

People are more likely to change if they are part of the process and bring us the best of the past.

If you've tried to change initiatives in the past without success, or even think about a change initiative, he might not make much sense to at least explore Appreciative Inquiry. PeterPrinter, captured best when he said: ". The best way to predict the future is to create it"

Do not solve problems, create your desired future!

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